audio or video avoids automatically playing audio

Rule Type:
Rule ID:
Last Modified:
June 3, 2021
Accessibility Requirements Mapping:
1.4.2 Audio Control (Level A)
  • Required for conformance to WCAG 2.0 and later on level A and higher
  • Outcome mapping:
    • Any failed outcomes: success criterion is not satisfied
    • All passed outcomes: success criterion needs further testing
    • An inapplicable outcome: success criterion needs further testing
WCAG Non-Interference
  • Required for conformance to WCAG 2.1
  • Outcome mapping:
    • Any failed outcomes: WCAG 2 conformance requirement is not satisfied
    • All passed outcomes: WCAG 2 conformance requirement needs further testing
    • An inapplicable outcome: WCAG 2 conformance requirement needs further testing
G60: Playing a sound that turns off automatically within three seconds
  • Not required to conformance to any W3C accessibility recommendation.
  • Outcome mapping:
    • Any failed outcomes: technique is not satisfied
    • All passed outcomes: technique needs further testing
    • An inapplicable outcome: technique needs further testing
G170: Providing a control near the beginning of the Web page that turns off sounds that play automatically
  • Not required to conformance to any W3C accessibility recommendation.
  • Outcome mapping:
    • Any failed outcomes: technique is not satisfied
    • All passed outcomes: technique needs further testing
    • An inapplicable outcome: technique needs further testing
G171: Playing sounds only on user request
  • Not required to conformance to any W3C accessibility recommendation.
  • Outcome mapping:
    • Any failed outcomes: technique is not satisfied
    • All passed outcomes: technique needs further testing
    • An inapplicable outcome: technique needs further testing
Input Rules:


This rule checks that audio or video that plays automatically does not have audio that lasts for more than 3 seconds or has an audio control mechanism to stop or mute it.


This rule applies to any audio or video element for which all the following are true:


For each test target, the outcome of at least one of the following rules is passed:


Accessibility Support

The native video and audio controls in several browser and assistive technology combinations are not keyboard accessible and the video or audio element itself may not be announced. Authors are recommended to use custom controls for keyboard navigation and cross browser accessibility support in general.


Test Cases


Passed Example 1

This audio element has an instrument to pause, stop, or turn the audio volume off.

<audio src="/test-assets/moon-audio/moon-speech.mp3" autoplay controls></audio>

Passed Example 2

This video element does not play for longer than 3 seconds.

<video autoplay>
	<source src="/test-assets/rabbit-video/video.mp4#t=8,10" type="video/mp4" />
	<source src="/test-assets/rabbit-video/video.webm#t=8,10" type="video/webm" />

Passed Example 3

This video element autoplays and has an instrument to pause, stop, or turn the audio volume off.

		button {
			color: #000;
		button:hover {
			cursor: pointer;
			cursor: pointer;
			background-color: grey;
			color: white;
	<div id="video-container">
		<!-- Video -->
		<video id="video" autoplay>
			<source src="/test-assets/rabbit-video/video.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
			<source src="/test-assets/rabbit-video/video.webm" type="video/webm" />
		<!-- Video Controls -->
		<div id="video-controls">
			<button type="button" id="play-pause" class="play">Play</button>
			<button type="button" id="mute">Mute</button>
	<script src="/test-assets/80f0bf/no-autoplay.js"></script>


Failed Example 1

This audio element autoplays, lasts for more than 3 seconds, and does not have an instrument to pause, stop, or mute the audio.

<audio src="/test-assets/moon-audio/moon-speech.mp3" autoplay></audio>

Failed Example 2

This video element audio autoplays for longer than 3 seconds, and does not have an instrument to pause, stop, or mute the audio

<video autoplay>
	<source src="/test-assets/rabbit-video/video.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
	<source src="/test-assets/rabbit-video/video.webm" type="video/webm" />


Inapplicable Example 1

This video element audio autoplays for longer than 3 seconds but is muted.

<video autoplay muted>
	<source src="/test-assets/rabbit-video/video.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
	<source src="/test-assets/rabbit-video/video.webm" type="video/webm" />

Inapplicable Example 2

This video element has no audio output.

<video autoplay>
	<source src="/test-assets/rabbit-video/silent.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
	<source src="/test-assets/rabbit-video/silent.webm" type="video/webm" />

Inapplicable Example 3

This audio element does not play automatically.

<audio src="/test-assets/moon-audio/moon-speech.mp3" controls></audio>


Attribute value

The attribute value of a content attribute set on an HTML element is the value that the attribute gets after being parsed and computed according to specifications. It may differ from the value that is actually written in the HTML code due to trimming whitespace or non-digits characters, default values, or case-insensitivity.

Some notable case of attribute value, among others:

This list is not exhaustive, and only serves as an illustration for some of the most common cases.

The attribute value of an IDL attribute is the value returned on getting it. Note that when an IDL attribute reflects a content attribute, they have the same attribute value.

Instrument to achieve an objective

An HTML element that when activated allows an end-user to achieve an objective.

Note: Any rule that uses this definition must provide an unambiguous description of the objective the instrument is used to achieve.


An outcome is a conclusion that comes from evaluating an ACT Rule on a test subject or one of its constituent test target. An outcome can be one of the three following types:

Note: A rule has one passed or failed outcome for every test target. When there are no test targets the rule has one inapplicable outcome. This means that each test subject will have one or more outcomes.

Note: Implementations using the EARL10-Schema can express the outcome with the outcome property. In addition to passed, failed and inapplicable, EARL 1.0 also defined an incomplete outcome. While this cannot be the outcome of an ACT Rule when applied in its entirety, it often happens that rules are only partially evaluated. For example, when applicability was automated, but the expectations have to be evaluated manually. Such “interim” results can be expressed with the incomplete outcome.

Web page (HTML)

An HTML web page is the set of all fully active documents which share the same top-level browsing context.

Note: Nesting of browsing context mostly happens with iframe and object. Thus a web page will most of the time be a “top-level” document and all its iframe and object (recursively).

Note: Web pages as defined by WCAG are not restricted to the HTML technology but can also include, e.g., PDF or DOCX documents.

Note: Although web pages as defined here are sets of documents (and do not contain other kind of nodes), one can abusively write that any node is “in a web page” if it is a shadow-including descendant of a document that is part of that web page.


This rule was written in the ACT Rules community group, with the support of the EU-funded WAI-Tools Project.



This is the first version of this ACT rule.

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